So while the rest of the Northeast including many parts of Vermont are getting rain - our little island here in the middle of Lake Champlain has not gotten rain since hmmmm....last week or the week before. When it rains here, it needs to rain significantly to get through the clay based soil - usually the first 1/2 inch is soaked and the rest is still dry. Luckliy or unluckily depending on the season - clay based soil can hold a lot of water - they don't dry up us quickly. Now I know I should not be complaining - I should be happy that the sun is here - but a little rain would do our farm some good since we can not irrigate most of our fields and our source of irrigation is a garden hose, soaker hose and drip tape on the most delicate crops. Hopefully we will get a bit of rain tonight...the chard would love to get a bath.
The peas are coming on strong - 2 out of three varieties are ready to pick - Sugar Ann which is our sugar snap peas and Mamouth Snow Pea - both are yummy - Mammouth is a long slender pea great for stirfrying and the sugar ann is great eating it raw. We have picked about 100lbs of sugar ann so far this week and we estimate we will pick about 50-75 lbs sugar ann today and maybe about 25lbs of snow pea -Sadie is the perfect height for the peas - she eats them like candy. Anyways, we will be bringing them to market in Grand Isle tomorrow - come by and have a snack. Or if you would like to come and pick give us a call..
We made up our brocolli last night with a garlic cream sauce and rotini and as an appetizer garlic scape bread with marinara for dipping. Wowee was it good - the brocolli I chopped up including the stems (diced those up) and out them in the bottom of the strainer and then drained the pasta on them - so they cooked ever so lightly and then tossed them in with the garlic cream sauce. Sadie licked her plate clean -Christine's recipe to follow - need to go out and plant potatoes and pick peas...
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