Okay, we have enough rain. The sheep and chickens are going to float away. Adam is contemplating building an ark. Let's hope the sun that is shining now will help dry stuff. It is so wet in our fields that there is small rivers alongside most of our beds. We cannot work in the fields because the when you go out there 1. you sink down to your ankles 2. we would compress the clay soil and do irreversable damage. I tried to work on the tomatoes in the hoophouse - but when I stepped on to the walkways that are mulched with 6 inches of straw - they moved - water is under them. Joy. It is slightly stressful here with the weather and the vegetables - let's hope there is sun coming over the next few days.
We are taking the opportunity to go look at a Jersey calf today at our friend's farm in Fairfield. His farm is very wet too but at least we get a break form ours.
So sorry about the rain! Its been terrible! That picture of Sadie sure looks familiar. Funny, great minds think alike b/c I wanted it on my site too --- Irony, I had that hat on today !! LOL!! I will pray for sun sun and more sun