Hi Everyone-
We have our CSA brochure done and are now selling shares. We are selling 50 shares this year and we have on the farm pickup here in Grand Isle, and drop offs at CCV in Winooski, Pinewood Manor in Essex Junction and Fort Ethan Allen in Colchester, VT. We will gladly drop off anywhere else as long as there are 5 share holders there and within the greater Burlington or Grand Isle area.
You can email us at harmonyvt@yahoo.com for the application and I am also going to try to figure out how to put it up here for you to download. I think i figured it out here it is - just copy and paste in the address bar: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0By3U03bbE9hiODA0ZDFmMDYtZTFjMi00MGYzLTlmYzgtN2ZiNThiNTZiMmNl&hl=en
Sorry for the hiatus from this blog this winter - we have been busy with our new little one Delia Mae who is now 11 weeks old...we will try to catch you up on all the farm happenings over the next week or so and try to be more regular in this space. Peace and warm thoughts, Christine, Adam, Sadie and Delia
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